VISTA Enterprise Network - Successful Implementation, World Class Support

Friday, October 19, 2012

Another installment of Expo synopses

  • "Moving Beyond Scrum Into Organization-wide Agile Practices" by John Stenbeck
  • "Nothing is Missing from the EHR" by Tom Munnecke
  • "How to Ask for What You Want: Including Open Source in the RFI/RFP Process" by Carol Monahan and Sam Williams
  • "VISTA Hardhats: Training the Next Generation" by Luis Ibañez
Check them out on the VISTA Expo website!

Monday, October 15, 2012

More Expo synopses

We have posted more synopses of the presentations from the 2012 VISTA Expo & Symposium, such as:

  • "Patching: How it Works For VA, IHS, and the Rest of the World" by Rick Marshall
  • "Data-Centric VISTA" by Conor Dowling
  • "National Drug File and VA Pharmacy: Current Problems and Future Solutions" by Don Lees
  • "A New Drug-File Lifecycle" panel with Don Lees, Rick Marshall, and Dr. Luis Ibañez
Check them out on the VISTA Expo website!

Friday, October 5, 2012

VISTA Expo presentation synopses

Our 2012 VISTA Expo was a great success! We've begun to post synopses of some of the presentations from the event, such as the keynote address:

  •  "Why the VISTA Open Source Community Should Care About RPMS (and why IHS cares about you . . .)" by Dr. Howard Hays
Have a closer look on the VISTA Expo website!