VISTA Enterprise Network - Successful Implementation, World Class Support

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our Story So Far . . .

Dear Reader,

There's an emerging order to this weblog. We began with a little introduction to VISTA before turning to the long project of investigating the VISTA software lifecycle. The first four chapters of that investigation are related in a flow of their own.

First, we started by breaking up the ground, by challenging the most common misunderstandings and filters that prevent people from being able to understand the lifecycle even when they're looking right at it. This was the chapter on the eight essential points.

Second, now, we're taking our first steps into understanding the lifecycle by using something similar that's already been well explained as a frame of reference. That's this new chapter on the principles of organic development as explained in The Oregon Experiment.

Third and fourth, after establishing that point of reference we'll drive right to the heart of the VISTA software lifecycle by examining its two essential characteristics that together set up the pattern that makes sense out of every detail of its architecture or policy: flow (fluxus quo) and life (living systems).

Thereafter, in subsequent chapters, with the main misunderstandings dealt with, a common frame of reference to compare and contrast with, and the two essential characteristics fully described, it should be easy enough to work our way through the details of how to manage VISTA effectively.

Like all plans, I'm sure this won't survive much contact with the subject matter, but let's find out.

Yours truly,

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